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Title ProperMulti-actor multi-criteria framework to assess the stakeholder support for different biofuel options
Other Title Informationthe case of Belgium
AuthorTurcksin, Laurence ;  Macharis, Cathy ;  Lebeau, Kenneth ;  Boureima, Faycal
Summary / Abstract (Note)The multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA) is a methodology to evaluate different policy measures, whereby different stakeholders' opinions are explicitly taken into account. In this paper, the framework is used to assess several biofuel options for Belgium that can contribute to the binding target of 10% renewable fuels in transport by 2020, issued by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Four biofuel options (biodiesel, ethanol, biogas and synthetic biodiesel (also referred to as "biomass-to-liquid" or BTL)) together with a reference fossil fuel option, are evaluated on the aims and objectives of the different stakeholders involved in the biofuel supply chain (feedstock producers, biofuel producers, fuel distributors, end users, vehicle manufacturers, government, NGOs and North-South organizations). Overall, the MAMCA provided insights in the stakeholder's position and possible implementation problems for every biofuel option. As such, it helps decision makers in establishing a supportive policy framework to facilitate implementation and to ensure market success, once they have decided on which biofuel option (or combination of options) to implement.
`In' analytical NoteEnergy Policy Vol. 39, No. 1; Jan 2011: p. 200-214
Journal SourceEnergy Policy Vol. 39, No. 1; Jan 2011: p. 200-214
Key WordsMulti - Criteria Analysis ;  Decision Making ;  Biofuels