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Title ProperNew support for the big sort hypothesis
Other Title Informationan assessment of partisan geographic sorting in California, 1992-2010
AuthorSussell, Jesse
Summary / Abstract (Note)This article empirically examines the "Big Sort hypothesis"-the notion that, in recent years, liberal and conservative Americans have become increasingly spatially isolated from one another. Using block group-, tract-, and county-level party registration data and presidential election returns, I construct two formal indices of segregation for 1992-2010 in California and evaluate those indices for evidence of growth in the segregation of Californians along ideological lines. Evidence of rising geographic segregation between Democrats and Republicans for measures generated from both party registration and presidential vote data is found. This growth is statistically significant for 10 of the 12 segregation measures analyzed. In addition, many of the increases are practically significant, with estimates of growth in segregation during the observation period ranging from 2% to 23%.
`In' analytical NotePolitical Science and Politics Vol. 46, No.4; Oct 2013: p.768-773
Journal SourcePolitical Science and Politics Vol. 46, No.4; Oct 2013: p.768-773
Key WordsBig Sort Hypothesis ;  California ;  Presidential Election ;  America ;  Democrats ;  Republicans