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Title ProperMulti-objective approach for developing national energy efficiency plans
AuthorHaydt, Gustavo ;  Leal, Vitor ;  Dias, Luis
Summary / Abstract (Note)This paper proposes a new approach to deal with the problem of building national energy efficiency (EE) plans, considering multiple objectives instead of only energy savings. The objectives considered are minimizing the influence of energy use on climate change, minimizing the financial risk from the investment, maximizing the security of energy supply, minimizing investment costs, minimizing the impacts of building new power plants and transmission infrastructures, and maximizing the local air quality. These were identified through literature review and interaction with real decision makers. A database of measures is established, from which millions of potential EE plans can be built by combining measures and their respective degree of implementation. Finally, a hybrid multi-objective and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) model is proposed to search and select the EE plans that best match the decision makers' preferences. An illustration of the working mode and the type of results obtained from this novel hybrid model is provided through an application to Portugal. For each of five decision perspectives a wide range of potential best plans were identified. These wide ranges show the relevance of introducing multi-objective analysis in a comprehensive search space as a tool to inform decisions about national EE plans.
`In' analytical NoteEnergy Policy Vol.67; Apr 2014: p.16-27
Journal SourceEnergy Policy Vol.67; Apr 2014: p.16-27
Key WordsEnergy Efficiency ;  Energy Planning ;  Multi - Criteria Analysis