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Title ProperDemand function for residential heat through district heating system and its consumption benefits in Korea
AuthorYoo, Seung-Hoon ;  Lim, Seul-Ye ;  Kim, Hyo-Jin
Summary / Abstract (Note)The demand for residential heat (RH) through a district heating system (DHS) has been and will be expanded in Korea due to its better performance in energy efficiency and the abatement of greenhouse gas emissions than decentralized boilers. The purposes of this paper are two-fold. The first is to obtain the demand function for DHS-based RH in Korea and investigate the price and income elasticities of the demand employing the quarterly data covering the period 1988–2013. The short-run price and income elasticities are estimated as −0.700 and 0.918, respectively. Moreover, the long-run elasticities are −1.253 and 1.642, respectively. The second purpose is to measure the consumption benefits of DHS-based-RH employing the economic theory that they are the sum of the actual payment and consumer surplus for the consumption. Considering that the average price and estimated consumer surplus of the DHS-based RH use in 2013 are computed to be KRW 87,870 (USD 84.1) and KRW 62,764 (USD 60.1) per Gcal, the consumption benefits of the DHS-based RH are calculated to be KRW 150,634 (USD 144.2) per Gcal. This information can be beneficially utilized to conduct an economic feasibility study for a new DHS project related to RH supply.
`In' analytical NoteEnergy Policy Vol. 97, No.97; Oct 2016: p.155–160
Journal SourceEnergy Policy 2016-10 97, 97
Key WordsResidential Heat ;  District Heating System ;  Consumption Benefit