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Title ProperRight “man” for the job? the influence of gender on civil–military friction
AuthorSchroeder, Theresa
Summary / Abstract (Note)The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of women in politics on the risk of a coup d’état. Previous research indicates that the relationship between female political leaders and security is dependent on the office she holds. Subsequently, we expect female legislators to have a different influence than a female chief executive on the likelihood of a coup. We argue that a higher level of female representation reduces the risk of a coup d’état. However, we assert that a female chief executive has a different effect and increases coup risk. Using data covering 160 states over the years 1952 to 2009, our empirical tests provide support for our expectations. All else being equal, increased levels of women in parliament lead to a substantial drop in coup likelihood. However, the argument that a female chief executive will be more coup prone is not fully supported in our findings.
`In' analytical NoteArmed Forces and Society Vol. 44, No.3; Jul 2018: p.460-475
Journal SourceArmed Forces and Society Vol: 44 No 3
Key WordsCivil–Military Relations ;  Gender Issues ;  Female Representation ;  Coups and Conflicts ;  Female Leaders

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