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  Journal Article   Journal Article

Title ProperInefficient Cooperation Under Stochastic and Strategic Uncertainty
AuthorBruttel, Lisa ;  Güth, Werner ;  Orland, Andreas
Summary / Abstract (Note)Stochastic uncertainty can cause coordination problems that may hinder mutually beneficial cooperation. We propose a mechanism of ex-post voluntary transfers designed to circumvent these coordination problems and ask whether it can increase efficiency. To test this transfer mechanism, we implement a controlled laboratory experiment based on a repeated Ultimatum Game with a stochastic endowment. Contrary to our hypothesis, we find that allowing voluntary transfers does not lead to an efficiency increase. We suggest and analyze two major reasons for this failure: first, stochastic uncertainty forces proposers intending to cooperate to accept high strategic uncertainty, which many proposers avoid; second, many responders behave only incompletely conditionally cooperatively, which hinders cooperation in future periods.
`In' analytical NoteJournal of Conflict Resolution Vol. 66, No.4-5; May 2022: p.755-782
Journal SourceJournal of Conflict Resolution Vol: 66 No 4-5
Key WordsCooperation ;  Experiment ;  Ultimatum Game ;  Strategic Uncertainty ;  Stochastic Uncertainty

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