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Title ProperAbu Dhabi Police plans real-time traffic patrol allocation
AuthorHarthei, Hussain Al ;  Ali, Oualid (Walid) Ben ;  Garib, Atef
Summary / Abstract (Note)Emergency services such as police vehicles must provide reasonable service levels in order to ensure public safety. These services are typically provided by vehicles based at fixed locations. The number and placement of vehicles generally influences the quality of services offered. Increasing the number of vehicles is often limited by cost constraints; therefore the efficient deployment of such service vehicles is a crucial issue. Emergency service vehicles must be located in such a way that they may reach any demand point within a maximal response time. Current Practices in Abu Dhabi The traffic police in Abu Dhabi perform two major functions: enforcing traffic Abu Dhabi Police Plans laws and assisting road users. Within the Abu Dhabi Police department, the Directorate of Traffic and Patrols, which is in charge of all traffic aspects, allocates the traffic patrol vehicles to routine work and to special operations. The special operations vehicles are involved in escorting convoys and motorcades and in enforcing traffic laws and regulations through the deployment of patrol officers in specific areas at certain times, or in dealing with incidents and special events. The routine patrols perform all remaining tasks. At present, the patrol car allocation process is largely manual and relies heavily on the knowledge, experience and expertise of the dispatch operators. The operators divide the Emirate into geographic zones and allocate patrols based on their knowledge about the areas' needs and other criteria such as traffic flow patterns, population density, etc. In the event of an accident or call for assistance, the dispatcher calls on one of the patrol vehicles nearby and assigns it the task of dealing with the event.
`In' analytical NoteGeo Intelligence Vol.4, No.3; May 2014: p.36-37
Journal SourceGeo Intelligence Vol.4, No.3; May 2014: p.36-37
Key WordsUnited Arab Emirate - UAE ;  Abu Dhabi Police ;  Traffic Patrol Allocation ;  Traffic Control ;  Geo Intelligence ;  GIS ;  Geospatial Technology ;  Geographic Zones ;  Intel Services ;  Emergency Services ;  Public Safety ;  Traffic Patrol Vehicles ;  Traffic Police ;  Traffic Strategy ;  Traffic Operations ;  Traffic Management