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Title ProperCrime breeds in the gaps of the social system of the country
AuthorSanyal, S
Summary / Abstract (Note)A social system of a country is the baseline and the centre of growth and it acts as a mirror to the development of the nation and its people as a whole. When feelings of unrest, dissatisfaction and being ignored spread from one individual to more people in the same situation. they gradually transgress to bigger groups. having a ripple effect on a particular section of the society. Finally, they emerge into a larger unrest and turbulence, not only bringing in a divide between different regions, slates and communities, but also disrupting the total harmony of the country. Inequality is the main cause of this disharmony, and it can spiral-head from many sources. The simmering uneasiness, if not contained or controlled by the government. explodes into all forms of social turbulence. ranging from class and caste fight to communal riots and internal turbulence. fostering insurgency and a separatist attitude among the people in the country. Regional divide further promotes polarization of a particular section of the society, which then fights for a separate statehood. These are the consequences of an unequal distribution of growth wealth and prosperity. Thereafter, these gaps, differences and inequality are factors which contribute to social dysfuction and become a vital cause of crimes of any pattern
`In' analytical NoteAakrosh Vol.17, No.64; Jul.2014: p.65-77
Journal SourceAakrosh Vol.17, No.64; Jul.2014: p.65-77
Key WordsSocial System ;  Crime ;  Internal Turbulence ;  Communal Riots ;  Insurgency ;  Social Turbulence ;  Political System ;  Government Policy ;  Gradually Transgress