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Summary/Abstract |
Revival of the 'Silk Road' or Silk Road Strategy is a fashionable terms now days, even in Indian academic circles. Of course the word has been used more extensively by American and Chinese scholars. This began with the US Silk Road Strategy act of 1999, which talked of transporting the Central Asian region's natural resources to the international market.
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Summary/Abstract |
This paper focuses on the positions taken by civil society organisations that actively campaign on trade policies. Trade campaigners oppose the neo-liberal approach to trade and development and advocate a much more gradual and prudent approach to trade liberalisation. They stress that trade liberalisation will only lead to sustainable development if it respects environmental and social concerns, including the gender dimension of trade; if trade liberalisation is properly owned, prepared and sequenced; adapted to the institutional and economic needs and capacities of the countries and people involved, and accompanied by all necessary flanking measures. Trade campaigners stress the need to maintain policy space and the necessary governance instruments to react to changing circumstances and address social and environmental concerns. They denounce the lack of information, consultation and participation provided by governments in trade policy formulation and negotiations and they campaign to raise awareness and create more room for debate and participation.
This article builds on a paper presented on 19-20 June 2008 at an UNU-CRIS Work Shop in Bruges on "Deep Integration and North-South Free Trade Agreements. EU Strategy for a Global Economy".
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Publication |
London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1969.
Description |
Standard Number |
Copies: C:1/I:0,R:0,Q:0
Accession# | Call# | Current Location | Status | Policy | Location |
002481 | 382/JOH 002481 | Main | On Shelf | General | |
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Publication |
London, George Allen and Unwin, 1971.
Description |
Standard Number |
Copies: C:1/I:0,R:0,Q:0
Accession# | Call# | Current Location | Status | Policy | Location |
007177 | 382.9/JOH 007177 | Main | On Shelf | General | |
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Summary/Abstract |
Job creation in the formal economy is arguably
Latin America's most pressing development
need, particularly during troubled economic
times. For this, healthy trade and investment
flows are essential. And yet, the existing model of
hemispheric trade expansion has reached a point
of diminishing returns. This is why a new path
forward must be found.