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DONALD RUMSFELD (6) answer(s).
ID:   106380

9/11 in retrospect: George W Bush's grand strategy, reconsidered / Leffler, Melvyn P   Journal Article
Leffler, Melvyn P Journal Article
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication 2011.
Key Words Terrorism  WMD  United States  China  Russia  Energy Policy 
Korean War  9/11  George W Bush  National Security Policy  Barack Obama  US Foreign Policy 
Donald Rumsfeld 
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ID:   114985

Captured by the camera's eye: Guantanamo and the shifting frame of the global war on terror / Veeren, Elspeth Van   Journal Article
Veeren, Elspeth Van Journal Article
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication 2011.
Summary/Abstract In January 2002, images of the detention of prisoners held at US Naval Station Guantanamo Bay as part of the Global War on Terrorism were released by the US Department of Defense, a public relations move that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld later referred to as 'probably unfortunate'. These images, widely reproduced in the media, quickly came to symbolise the facility and the practices at work there. Nine years on, the images of orange-clad 'detainees' - the 'orange series' - remain a powerful symbol of US military practices and play a significant role in the resistance to the site. However, as the site has evolved, so too has its visual representation. Official images of these new facilities not only document this evolution but work to constitute, through a careful (re)framing (literal and figurative), a new (re)presentation of the site, and therefore the identities of those involved. The new series of images not only (re)inscribes the identities of detainees as dangerous but, more importantly, work to constitute the US State as humane and modern. These images are part of a broader effort by the US administration to resituate its image, and remind us, as IR scholars, to look at the diverse set of practices (beyond simply spoken language) to understand the complexity of international politics.
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ID:   148052

Case of Donald Rumsfeld: leadership traps in national security / Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby   Journal Article
Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby Journal Article
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Summary/Abstract Taking its point of departure in Donald Rumsfeld’s second term as US Secretary of Defense (2001–2006), this article analyses the crisis of strategic leadership in Western national security. Three “traps” are identified that explain why Donald Rumsfeld ultimately was a failure as defence secretary and demonstrate the perils of national security governance. These traps are termed the inquisitor trap, the strong leader trap and the delegation trap. It is argued that our understanding of strategic leadership in national security, particularly in defence, can benefit from insights gained from the study of strategic leadership in business. As such, this article engages the recent trend of merging insights from business and military strategy.
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ID:   122393

Coin is dead-long live transformation / Ford, Matthew; Rose, Patrick; Body, Howard   Journal Article
Ford, Matthew Journal Article
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Publication 2012.
Summary/Abstract Donald Rumsfeld was right. Force transformation works. The techniques that led to the initial victories in Afghanistan in 2001 were precisely those that produced success in Libya in 2011.1 Small-scale deployments of special forces backed by precision strike and deep attack capabilities used to support an allied indigenous armed group proved an effective military tool for achieving specific strategic outcomes. In contrast, the results of large-scale troop deployments as part of counterinsurgency (COIN), stabilization and nation-building activities over the past 1ten0 years in Iraq and Afghanistan have been less definitive. Despite intensive investment in blood, treasure, and military effort, the precise long-term outcomes of these two campaigns remain unclear and will be open to debate for years to come. This challenging operational experience has, however, highlighted some necessary and enduring truths about the use of military force. Despite great advances in military technology and the increasing sophistication with which organized violence can be applied in a range of situations, all warfare remains characterized by uncertainty; there exists no silver bullet that can guarantee enduring political success from the barrel of a gun.2
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ID:   131465

Full spectrum dominance: Donald Rumsfeld, the department of defense, and US irregular warfare strategy, 2001-2008 / Ryan, Maria   Journal Article
Ryan, Maria Journal Article
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Publication 2014.
Summary/Abstract This article examines the evolution of US irregular warfare (IW) doctrine and practice from 2001 onwards. It argues that, after 9/11, top-tier civilian policymakers in the US Department of Defense (DoD) and across the US government developed a heightened awareness of asymmetric threats and non-conventional forms of warfare, especially those shaped by contemporary globalisation. The result was a gradual turn towards irregular warfare, led by Rumsfeld and the DoD, designed to ensure 'full spectrum dominance' across all modes of conflict. This pre-dated the insurgency in Iraq and the promotion of counterinsurgency in the US Army by General David Petraeus and others. Policymakers' reluctance to acknowledge the insurgency in Iraq was not down to a failure to understand the concept of IW, but because they had viewed Iraq in conventional terms for so many years and were reluctant to admit their mistake.
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ID:   124170

Intervention and dreams of exogenous statebuilding: the application of liberal peacebuilding in Afghanistan and Iraq / Dodge, Toby   Journal Article
Dodge, Toby Journal Article
0 Rating(s) & 0 Review(s)
Publication 2013.
Summary/Abstract The central thesis of this article is that when faced with state collapse, rising violence, and a complex stabilisation effort, the US, UN, and NATO in Afghanistan and the US and Britain in Iraq, deployed the dominant, if not only, international approach available, Liberal Peacebuilding. The article traces the rise of Liberal Peacebuilding across the 1990s. It argues that four units of analysis within neoliberal ideology, the individual, the market, the role of the state and democracy, played a key role within Liberal Peacebuilding, allowing it to identify problems and propose solutions to stabilise post-conflict societies. It was these four units of analysis that were taken from the Liberal Peacebuilding approach and applied in Afghanistan and Iraq. The application of a universal template to two very different countries led directly to the fierce but weak states that exist today.
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